Let the ghoul times roll by casting a little energy efficiency spell on your home. Follow these simple tips to scare up some savings on your energy costs.
Clear off the cobwebs. Schedule a furnace tuneup and change the filter to improve your system’s efficiency and prevent any spooky issues this winter.
Don’t let your furnace put a spell on you. Lower your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees while you’re away collecting candy. Better yet, install a programmable thermostat and set the temperature to your schedule for increased savings.
Right-size your cauldron. Match your pot or pan size with a similar-sized burner. Your witches’ brew will heat quicker and more efficiently.
Ward off goosebumps. Is that chill in the air something sinister, or just a air leak in your home? Use caulk, weatherstripping or window film kits to seal gaps and cracks in your home and keep warm air inside.