Waukegan — North Shore Gas has unveiled Harley, a Terrier mix from Highland Park, as its new safe digging “ambassadog.” Harley’s new job title was announced as the pup stood proudly before cameras.

Harley digs fiercely, making holes many times larger than his entire body.  He’s also got some southern charm. He came to the northern suburbs via Alabama, where he was orphaned in a bad storm before being rescued and given a loving home in our neck of the woods. Harley’s family believes he is six years old. Apart from digging, Harley likes soccer and playing with a funny ball known as his “boney ball.”

Harley became safe digging ambassadog after entering the North Shore Gas “Doggone it!” contest. Thousands of votes were cast, and Harley’s mighty paws and sweet puppy eyes made him the top dog. For the next year, Harley will be featured in North Shore Gas promotional campaigns to raise awareness about safe digging and the importance of dialing 811 at least 48 hours before starting any digging project.

About 811 Day and safe digging

Harley’s big win was announced just ahead of National 811 Day, which is Sunday, Aug. 11 (8/11). It’s a day to elevate awareness about the need for people to call 811 at least two days before starting any outdoor digging project. Digging without knowing where utility lines (e.g., natural gas, electric, water, sewer, communications) are located can lead to line strikes, serious injury and property damage. When people in the suburbs call 811 at least 48 hours in advance, expert technicians will come to their properties, at no charge, and mark the spots where underground utility lines are located.

Calling 811 is easy, it’s free, and it’s the law. Go to the North Shore Gas website for more information about 811 and safe digging practices.